Alexandria, VA
Walk, Bike & Roll to School Day events can be simple or elaborate. A school might start with hosting a big event, and then move to a low-key celebration over time as students become more accustomed to walking and rolling on a regular basis. Another school might start simple and then build efforts in subsequent years. Read on to learn more about planning the event.
Celebrating Walk, Bike & Roll to School Day for the first time? Read through these tips from event organizers to help jump start your planning.
Use this guide to help make your ideas reality. Follow these steps for a complete guide on planning and holding an event.
Many successful events were started with little time to spare. An event can be simple. In fact, it’s possible to plan a Walk, Bike & Roll to School Day event in one week.
Safety is a priority for any Walk, Bike & Roll to School Day event. Here you’ll find a guide for emphasizing safety when planning a route as well as specific tips for pedestrian and bicycle safety.
Walk, Bike & Roll to School Day events are open to all. Read through this guide to plan for an accessible event for all who wish to participate.
Find dates for the next three years of Bike & Roll to School Day events in May and Walk & Roll to School Day events in October.