Boston, MA
Walk, Bike & Roll to School Day events come in all sizes. Make the event something that will resonate with what families, the school and broader community care about, whether it’s encouraging physical activity, building a sense of community, highlighting the need for sidewalks or another cause. Browse these ideas to help you plan your event.
Walk or roll as a group to school as part of a walking school bus or a bicycle train.
Even if many students live too far to walk or roll from home, they can still be part of a great Walk & Roll to School Day or Bike & Roll to School Day celebration. In an effort to include everyone, many event organizers offer options for bus riders and parent-driven students.
Communities celebrate Walk & Roll to School Day and Bike & roll to School Day for a variety of reasons, but safety is always at the core.
Walk audits provide an activity for the school community to highlight safety needs for walking to school including ways to make a walking and rolling to school accessible for all.